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Welcome to LVNA lú.nà

Our Mission 
At LVNA, we go beyond simply offering a jewelry line. Our mission is to cultivate a conscious company that flourishes by promoting awareness and radiating positivity. Our appreciation for the shared consciousness stems from our belief that we are all interconnected. In line with the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, we embrace the idea that "As Above So Below, As Within So Without."
About Us

Our guiding principles draw from the field of Quantum Mechanics. At LVNA, we understand that nothing is truly solid, and that everything is in constant motion, which means that energy is present in all things and in all places.

Prior to shipment, each piece of jewelry is infused with positive energy by using Palo Santo smoke and chanting a Love mantra. This ensures that your new jewelry arrives with its purest vibration intact.

In addition, every LVNA piece is named after a powerful goddess from various mythologies, reminding us of the strength of the divine feminine. To further empower our customers, each jewelry item is accompanied by a unique self-empowering mantra.

As a special gift, we provide each customer with their own Palo Santo, so they can enjoy the benefits of this ancient South American tradition themselves.

Giving Back

We are dedicated to making a positive impact and giving back to our community. For this reason, LVNA donates a portion of each purchase to the Grameen Foundation, USA, which empowers less fortunate women around the globe to achieve their full potential.

We take great pleasure in providing you with our high-quality products, and we hope that you will enjoy them just as much as we enjoy creating them. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to us and share your feedback.

With an abundance of love,


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